“Answering the Question: What Is Enlightenment?” is a 1784 essay by the philosopher Immanuel Kant. In the December 1784 publication of the Berlinische Monatsschrift (Berlin Monthly), edited by Friedrich Gedike and Johann Erich Biester, Kant replied to the question posed a year earlier by the Reverend Johann Friedrich Zöllner, who was
Особенности метода и стиль историка Корнелия Тацита. Секрет популярности Гая Светония
Жизнь и сочинения Плиния Старшего и его племянника Плиния
Institutio oratoria Квинтилиана. Его место в истории педагогики и риторического
Темы и персонажи сатирических поэм Децима Юния Ювенала (ок. 60 – ок. 127 гг.
Реалистичная картина жизни римлян в стихотворениях Стация и
Судьбы и поэмы трех авторов последней трети I века: Валерия Флакка, Силия Италика и
The first narrative in the collection is «The Prussian Officer» which tells of a Captain and his orderly. Having wasted his youth gambling, the captain has been left with only his military career, and though he has taken on mistresses throughout his life, he remains single. His young orderly is involved in a relationship with a young woman, and
A Doll’s House is a three-act play written by Norway’s Henrik Ibsen. It premiered at the Royal Theatre in Copenhagen, Denmark, on 21 December 1879, having been published earlier that month. The play is set in a Norwegian town circa 1879. The play is significant for the way it deals with the fate of a married woman, who at the time in
The Chimes, is a novella written by Charles Dickens and first published in 1844, one year after A Christmas Carol. It is the second in his series of «„Christmas books,“» five novellas with strong social and moral messages that he published during the 1840s. In addition to A Christmas Carol and The Chimes, the Christmas books include The