Alexey Antipov, Valery Korostylev, Mohamed Hello – Installation, starting and adjustment of ventilation and air conditioning systems A Guide

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Книга из раздела: Личностный рост, Учебная литература, Книги, Литерат., Прочая образовательная литература

О книге
«Alexey Antipov, Valery Korostylev, Mohamed Hello – Installation, starting and adjustment of ventilation and air conditioning systems A Guide»

The guide provides material for students attending advanced training, vocational training and retraining courses, provided, that they should have the basic level of education, e.g. full secondary. People at least 18 years old, who have passed a medical examination and have graduation from a special educational institution or courses, are allowed to the Installation, starting and adjustment of ventilation and air conditioning systems. The aim of this guide is to get professional knowledge on ventilation systems in living places (home, hall,…), on the structure ofinstallation and control of ventilation systems. Information about the required tool is provided, as well as. The adjustment works are described.

The material of the manual can serve as a reference book for self-study of ventilation and air conditioning systems.

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