Звездная охота (Майя Марук)

Пожалуйста оцените книгу: УжасноПлохоНормальноХорошоОтлично
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В жизни я по-настоящему ненавижу три вещи: жару, бабников и пауков. Наверно поэтому после похищения я очнулась в гареме наследника черных Арахнидов, на одной из самых жарких планет вселенной. Бинго!

Осталось решить, что с этим всем делать. А главное, как избавиться от статуса паучьей наложницы, пока меня не сожрала будущая жена падишаха. Или его многочисленные любовницы.

I Just Can’t Remember by Tim Kulig, https://filmmusic.io/song/10897-i-just-cant-remember, –, Le Bistro by Frank Schroeter, https://filmmusic.io/song/10881-le-bistro, –, Jack The Lumberer by Alexander Nakarada, https://filmmusic.io/song/4808-jack-the-lumberer, –, Cinematic Suspense Series Episode 008 by Sascha Ende, https://filmmusic.io/song/7669-cinematic-suspense-series-episode-008, –, Aeolic Springs by Tim Kulig, https://filmmusic.io/song/10879-aeolic-springs, –, Dead Spaces by Tim Kulig, https://filmmusic.io/song/9319-dead-spaces, –, Eastminster by Kevin MacLeod, https://filmmusic.io/song/3693-eastminster, –, Blockbuster Atmosphere 10 (Relaxation) by Sascha Ende, https://filmmusic.io/song/305-blockbuster-atmosphere-10-relaxation, –, Lucid Nightmare by Tim Kulig, https://filmmusic.io/song/8492-lucid-nightmare, –, Promises to Keep by Kevin MacLeod, https://filmmusic.io/song/4245-promises-to-keep, –, Children Eating Corn by Tim Kulig, https://filmmusic.io/song/8487-children-eating-corn, –, Pain and Anguish, https://www.steven-obrien.net/#pain-and-anguish, –, Adrift In The Far Beyond by Justin Allan Arnold, https://filmmusic.io/song/10919-adrift-in-the-far-beyond, –, Everything Will Be Okay (Instrumental), https://www.steven-obrien.net/#everything-will-be-okay-(instrumental), –, Happy Upbeat Inspirational Acoustic, https://www.steven-obrien.net/#happy-upbeat-inspirational-acoustic, –, Horde Of Geese by Alexander Nakarada, https://filmmusic.io/song/9835-horde-of-geese, –, The Wardrobe, https://www.steven-obrien.net/#the-wardrobe-(super~loud-version), –, Allure – Steven O’Brien, https://www.steven-obrien.net/#allure, –, Vinny and Stephano Arrive, https://www.steven-obrien.net/#vinny-and-stephano-arrive

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