Bakhtiyar Sakupov – Paris Nights and Other Impressions of Places and People: A Collection of Stories

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О книге
«Bakhtiyar Sakupov – Paris Nights and Other Impressions of Places and People: A Collection of Stories»

Paris Nights is a collection of short stories united by the theme of “fireplace stories” told in the cozy living room of a hostel. It’s where at night, people who come from all over the world to Paris, and are imbued with the romance and sensuality of this city, begin to share the most unusual or ordinary love stories and experiences. We are not just storytellers. We are listeners, partners in some way, discussing, prompted by, and sharing our experience if there is something in the story that’s consonant with our past. That is why this book is valuable. Everyone will find here one or more stories that would remind him of his own experience and, perhaps, prompt a brilliant solution for the situation. This book brings hope to all those people who have lost faith in love and its magic, who stopped believing in their own strengths and good luck.

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