Ann Lethbridge

Ann Lethbridge – Pagrobtoji grafienė

Niekuomet nepasitikėk šnipu! Nikoletė, grafienė Vilandri, vykdo pavojingą užduotį: ji turi suvilioti šnipą Gabrielį d‘Arsį ir sužinoti, kam iš tiesų jis dirba. Įsitraukusi į geidulingą žaidimą ir pajutusi stiprią trauką Nikoletė supranta, jog pateko į bėdą – jos tapatybė tuoj bus atskleista. Geibas žino, kad [...]

Ann Lethbridge – More Than a Mistress

Public Gentleman, Private Rogue!Charles Mountford, Marquis of Tonbridge, has long felt the weight of responsibility. He knows he must do his duty and take a wife. But when he’s left snowbound with the unconventional Miss Honor Meredith Draycott, he finds his inner rogue wants to come out to play…Merry doesn’t need a man – no matter how [...]

Ann Lethbridge – Lady Rosabella's Ruse

A LADY NEVER REVEALS HER SECRETS… None of the women at an ‘anything goes’ house party catches Garth Evernden’s jaded eye. The only one worth noting is a covered-up lady’s companion with an intriguing hint of exotic beauty the eighth Baron Stanford would like to uncover… …DOES SHE?Rose is in fact posing as a widow to find her [...]