Анна Морион

Анна Морион — Вечная вдова

Мечты обеих подруг сбылись, но пришедший в Англию политический шторм и буря в отношениях короля Генриха Восьмого и его супруги Анны Болейн уничтожают все на своем пути. Судьба каждого [...]

Анна Морион — Птица обрела крылья

Богатство никогда не приходит без слез, и у бедной бесприданницы нет выбора, кроме как продать себя тому, кто пожелает ее купить. Согласившись на брак, который сделал ее богатой, девушка не [...]

Анна Морион — Мы играем

Потерявшиеся в глухом канадском лесу и застигнутые грозой, вы мечтаете только об одном: найти уютный отель, отогреться и утолить голод. После долгих поисков вы находите желаемое пристанище, [...]

Анна Морион — In The Shadow

The first book of the «In the Shadows» dilogy written by Anne Morion. The story is set in England, during the period of Henry VIII’s divorce from Catherine of Aragon and his marriage to Anne Boleyn. Miss Alienor Norton and Miss Brigid Guise have known each other since the cradle. Brigid is a modest girl and obedient to her [...]

Анна Морион — The Maidens of Walsingham

1834, England. The poor village of Walsingham, forgotten by God and the crown, whose inhabitants find solace only in their faith. The head of the village is Pastor Glowford. He is deeply respected and fervently loved by his parishioners. The pastor has three lovely daughters, all different in character, dreams and desires. Life in the village goes [...]

Анна Морион — Possessed hearts

Their glasses are filled with human blood, and they drink it like we drink wine. They are so much like us, but we are but an ugly copy of the same species. They are superior to us in every way, and yet they have a weakness: vampires love only once, and the choice of their heart determines their eternal life. What awaits these beautiful and [...]

Анна Морион — My Ice Prince

When you’re 18 and living under strict rules designed to hide the existence of vampires from humans, your life is full of taboos. But taboos are meant to be broken. That’s what young vampire Misha Mroczek thinks. Breaking the resistance of her parents, she enters Oxford, where she finally begins to live independently. And only one [...]

Анна Морион — Two for tragedy. Volume 1

21st century. Prague. The powerful vampire clan Morgans are the hidden masters of the city. No one knows that the Morgans are not human, for they are very careful to hide their secret. Cedric Morgan is one of them. He is not only an observer and reflector, but also a student at Charles University, where everyone thinks of him as an arrogant and [...]
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