Juliet Landon

Juliet Landon — His Duty, Her Destiny

London, 1473The time had come…duty called. Bound by his word, Sir Fergus Melrose would honor his betrothal, but first he must claim his betrothed….His task wouldn’t be easy. Lady Nicola Coldyngham was no longer the young lass who had worshipped his every move. Nor, since he’d spurned her childish love, was she willing to give up [...]

Juliet Landon — The Rake's Unconventional Mistress

Indulge your fantasies of delicious Regency Rakes, fierce Viking warriors and rugged Highlanders. Be swept away into a world of intense passion, lavish settings and romance that burns brightly through the centuriesThe Rake and the Spinster School-ma’am Miss Letitia Boyce didn’t begrudge her sisters their fun with the pick of London’s [...]