Николай Владимирович Лакутин

Николай Лакутин – Школьная история

Школа… Для каждого школа – это что-то своё. Для кого-то – детство и отрочество, для кого-то – место работы, а для кого-то – арена для выяснений отношений и полноценных сражений. Школа [...]

Николай Лакутин – Квест. Душа барабанщика-3

Благородство и подлость, отвага и страх Всё с рожденья заложено в наших телах. Мы до смерти не станем ни лучше, ни хуже. Мы такие, какими нас создал Аллах! Все события, организации и персонажи [...]

Николай Лакутин – Unusual service. Play for 4-5 people

If the therapist did not put the most pleasant diagnosis – this is not a reason to get upset! It is much more reasonable to identify the strengths of the destructive quality and sublimate them into life at a favorable angle. That’s what our hero did and organized an original, profitable and very popular [...]

Николай Лакутин – Unreal fool. One-man play

Surprisingly unlucky, naive, trusting utterly and looking for a miracle, a man lives in his little world, without removing the “pink glasses”. He is very peculiar, if not worse, but this does not prevent him from remaining a good man, who turns out to have something to learn from successful wealthy people. What is this [...]

Николай Лакутин – Postal history

The dreamer – romantic guy has been sending parcels to his beloved through the local post office for three years. He is very scrupulous about Souvenirs, which he puts into parcels and waits, hopes for a bit of reciprocity. But one day he learns that the mail has completely failed him. None of the packages ever reached the addressee. How will the [...]
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