
Френсис Мэрион Кроуфорд


Дом с привидениями (Эдит Несбит, Фрэнсис Брет Гарт, Редьярд Джозеф Киплинг, Френсис Кроуфорд, Монтегю Родс Джеймс, Роберт Чамберс, и др. )

Истории о кровожадных призраках рассказывали еще до того, как люди придумали письменность, как правило, темной ночью у костра, жутким голосом и с завываниями, чтобы слушателям было еще [...]

Сверхъестественный ужас. Рассказы, напугавшие самого Лавкрафта (Эдгар Аллан По, Артур Конан Дойл, Теофиль Готье, Герберт Уэллс, Уильям Хоуп Ходжсон, Френсис Кроуфорд, и др. )

Говард Филлипс Лавкрафт написал сотни завораживающих историй и только одну знаменитую статью. Но какую! В 1927 году он опубликовал эссе «Сверхъестественный ужас в литературе» над которым [...]

The Doll's Ghost (Френсис Кроуфорд)

Francis Marion Crawford (1854 – 1909) was an American writer noted for his many novels, especially those set in Italy, and for his classic weird and fantastic stories. «The Doll’s Ghost» included in the short story collection Wandering Ghosts. Mr. Puckler is a doll doctor, and the dolls he repairs become very, very life like. A [...]

The Screaming Skull (Френсис Кроуфорд)

Francis Marion Crawford (1854 – 1909) was an American writer noted for his many novels, especially those set in Italy, and for his classic weird and fantastic stories. The Screaming Skull is a paranormal object, a human skull which per legend speaks, screams, or otherwise haunts its environs. The Screaming Skull haunts the house in which it is [...]

The Upper Berth (Френсис Кроуфорд)

Francis Marion Crawford (1854 – 1909) was an American writer noted for his many novels, especially those set in Italy, and for his classic weird and fantastic stories. In 1894, he published the popular novel «The Upper Berth.» «Mr Crawford’s weird story of the Upper Berth is no doubt one of the best ghost stories we have had [...]

For the Blood Is the Life (Френсис Кроуфорд)

Francis Marion Crawford (1854 – 1909) was an American writer noted for his many novels, especially those set in Italy, and for his classic weird and fantastic stories. Although Francis Marion Crawford is principally remembered as a master of fantastical literature, that portion of his vast output is quite small, limited to a handful of horror [...]

Man Overboard! (Френсис Кроуфорд)

Francis Marion Crawford (August 2, 1854 – April 9, 1909) was an American writer noted for his many novels, especially those set in Italy, and for his classic weird and fantastic stories. «Man Overboard!» – This is one of his stories. Peculiar happenings aboard the schooner Helen B. Jackson when one night during a storm, the small [...]

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