
Лев Николаевич Толстой


Детство. Отрочество. Юность (Лев Толстой)

Повести Л. Н. Толстого «ДЕТСТВО» «ОТРОЧЕСТВО» и «ЮНОСТЬ» [1852–1864] составляют своеобразную трилогию, в которой автобиографические элементы соединяются с постановкой нравственных и [...]

Два старика (Лев Толстой)

«Собрались два старика богу молиться в старый Иерусалим. Один был богатый мужик, звали его Ефим Тарасыч Шевелев. Другой был небогатый человек Елисей Бодров. Ефим был мужик степенный, водки не [...]

Кавказский пленник (Лев Толстой)

Хотел он подняться, а уж на нем два татарина вонючие сидят, крутят ему назад руки. Рванулся он, скинул с себя татар, – да еще соскакали с коней трое на него, начали бить прикладами по голове. [...]

A Letter to a Hindu (Лев Толстой)

In «A Letter to a Hindu» Tolstoy argued that only through the principle of love could the Indian people free themselves from colonial British rule. These ideas ultimately proved to be successful in 1947 in the culmination of the Indian Independence Movement. In 1908, Indian revolutionary Taraknath was wrote to Leo Tolstoy, by then one of the [...]

The Death of Ivan Ilyich (Лев Толстой)

The Death of Ivan Ilyich – first published in 1886, is a novella by Leo Tolstoy, considered one of the masterpieces of his late fiction, written shortly after his religious conversion of the late 1870s. “Usually classed among the best examples of the novella”, The Death of Ivan Ilyich tells the story of a high-court judge in [...]

A Russian Christmas Party (Лев Толстой)

A Russian Christmas Party by Leo Tolstoy is about a generous family on the brink of ruin whose mother pins their hopes for restoring their fortune on their son, Nicolas’ marriage to a wealthy bride. Nicolas isn’t cooperating, for he loves a poor girl named Sonia. Alas! How will they see it through? The Christmas stories of the famous [...]

God Sees the Truth, But Waits (Лев Толстой)

“God Sees the Truth, But Waits” is a short story by Russian author Leo Tolstoy first published in 1872. The story, about a man sent to prison for a murder he didn’t commit, takes the form of a parable of forgiveness. English translations were also published under titles «The Confessed Crime» and «Exiled to Siberia». The [...]

50 Stories from Russia’s Greatest Authors (Александр Пушкин, Лев Толстой, Антон Чехов, Николай Гоголь, Федор Достоевский, Михаил Булгаков, Иван Тургенев, и др. )

“This audiobook collects a magnificent set of works by Russian classical authors: Alexander Pushkin, Nikolai Gogol, Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Anton Chekhov, Leo Tolstoy, Mikhail Bulgakov, Leonid Andreyev, Maxim Gorky, Ivan Turgenev,, Aleksandr Kuprin. Each original story, springing from a common creative heritage, delivers a glimpse of the [...]
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