
Томас Пейн


Political science. Classics collection (Никколо Макиавелли, Владимир Ленин, Томас Мор, Сунь-цзы, Карл Маркс, Платон, Фридрих Энгельс, и др. )

Why Political Science Classics Collection is so important? In today’s world, providing quality training for the younger generation at colleges and universities is of primary importance. But higher education is not enough. Any graduate is first and foremost a citizen of his nation. He has the right to be an actor in the political life of his [...]

Common Sense (Томас Пейн)

Thomas Paine was born in Great Britain; he came to America at the age of 37 for the first time. He is rightly considered to be the Anglo-American writer, philosopher, publicist, as well as «American godfather» for supporting separatist spirits and inspiring Americans to fight for their independence (at that very moment, the break between America [...]

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