Lukeman Literary Management Ltd

If She Fled (Блейк Пирс)

“A masterpiece of thriller and mystery. Blake Pierce did a magnificent job developing characters with a psychological side so well described that we feel inside their minds, follow their fears and cheer for their success. Full of twists, this book will keep you awake until the turn of the last page.”, –Books and Movie Reviews, Roberto Mattos [...]

Wenn Sie Sähe (Блейк Пирс)

„Ein Meisterwerk von Thriller und Mystery. Auf großartige Art und Weise hat Blake Pierce seine Charaktere entwickelt, und dabei deren psychologischen Seiten so präzise beschrieben, dass wir uns in deren Gedankenwelt einfinden und ihren Ängsten und ihren Erfolgserlebnissen folgen können. Dieses Buch ist so reich an unerwarteten Wendungen, [...]

Once Trapped (Блейк Пирс)

“A masterpiece of thriller and mystery! The author did a magnificent job developing characters with a psychological side that is so well described that we feel inside their minds, follow their fears and cheer for their success. The plot is very intelligent and will keep you entertained throughout the book. Full of twists, this book will keep you [...]

Für Immer mit Dir (Sophie Love)

“Un capolavoro del genere thriller e giallo! L’autore ha sviluppato e descritto così bene il lato psicologico dei personaggi che sembra di trovarsi dentro le loro menti, per seguire le loro paure e gioire dei loro successi. La trama è intelligente e appassiona per il tutto il libro. Pieno di colpi di scena, questo romanzo vi terrà svegli [...]

Sala Operativa (Джек Марс)

„Sophie Loves Fähigkeit, bei ihren Lesern Magie zu bewirken, zeigt sich in ihrem höchst inspirierenden Ausdruck und den lebendigen Beschreibungen…FÜR JETZT UND FÜR IMMER ist der perfekte Liebes- oder Strandroman, der sich von anderen abhebt: seine mitreißende Begeisterung und die wunderschönen Beschreibungen machen deutlich, wie komplex [...]

Wyprawa Bohaterów (Морган Райс)

KRĄG CZARNOKSIĘŻNIKA zawiera wszystko, co niezbędne, aby odnieść natychmiastowy sukces: fabułę, zmowy i spiski, tajemnicę, dzielnych rycerzy, rozwijające się bujnie związki uczuciowe i złamane serca, podstęp i zdradę. Zapewni rozrywkę na wiele godzin i zadowoli czytelników w każdym wieku. Zalecana jako stała pozycja w [...]

Silent Neighbor (Блейк Пирс)

“A masterpiece of thriller and mystery. Blake Pierce did a magnificent job developing characters with a psychological side so well described that we feel inside their minds, follow their fears and cheer for their success. Full of twists, this book will keep you awake until the turn of the last page.”, –Books and Movie Reviews, Roberto Mattos [...]

Een Zoektocht Van Helden (Морган Райс)

“DE TOVENAARSRING heeft alle ingrediënten voor direct succes: samenzweringen, intriges, mysterie, dappere ridders en opbloeiende relaties, compleet met gebroken harten, bedrog en verraad. Het zal urenlang boeien en is geschikt voor alle leeftijden. Aanbevolen voor de collectie van alle liefhebbers van fantasy.”, –Books and Movie Reviews, [...]

Em Busca de Heróis (Морган Райс)

“O ANEL DO FEITICEIRO reúne todos os ingredientes para um sucesso instantâneo: tramas, intrigas, mistério, bravos cavaleiros e florescentes relacionamentos repletos de corações partidos, decepções e traições. O livro manterá o leitor entretido por horas e agradará a pessoas de todas as idades. Recomendado para fazer parte da [...]

Realm of Dragons (Морган Райс)

As a literary agent, Noah Lukeman hears thousands of book pitches a year. Often the stories sound great in concept, but never live up to their potential on the page. Lukeman shows beginning and advanced writers how to implement the fundamentals of successful plot development, such as character building and heightened suspense and conflict. Writers [...]
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