Мультимедийное издательство Стрельбицкого

The First Jungle Book (Редьярд Джозеф Киплинг)

«The Jungle Book (1894) is a collection of stories by the English author Rudyard Kipling. Most of the characters are animals such as Shere Khan the tiger and Baloo the bear, though a principal character is the boy or «„man-cub“» Mowgli, who is raised in the jungle by wolves. The stories are set in a forest in India; one place mentioned [...]

Зов Ктулху (Говард Лавкрафт)

Ктулху, Дагон, Йог-Сотот и многие другие темные божества, придуманные Говардом Лавкрафтом в 1920-е годы, приобрели впоследствии такую популярность, что сотни творцов фантастики, включая Нила [...]

Complete works of Marcus Aurelius. Illustrated: Meditations, The Speeches of Marcus, The Sayings of Marcus (Марк Аврелий Антонин)

This comprehensive eBook presents the complete extant works of Marcus Aurelius with beautiful illustrations relating to Marcus’ life and works. Marcus Aurelius was a Roman Emperor from 161 to 180, known as one of the last of the Five Good Emperors, and is also considered one of the most important Stoic philosophers. CONTENTS: MEDITATIONS THE [...]

The Viy (Николай Гоголь)

«»Viy»», also translated as «„The Viy“» is a horror novella by Russian writer Nikolai Gogol, first published in the first volume of his collection of tales entitled Mirgorod (1835). The title is also the name of the demonic entity central to the plot. Every summer, there is usually a large procession of all the students [...]

Uncle Vanya (Антон Чехов)

Uncle Vanya is a play by the Russian playwright Anton Chekhov. It was first published in 1898, and was first produced in 1899 by the Moscow Art Theatre under the direction of Konstantin Stanislavski. Uncle Vanya is unique among Chekhov’s major plays because it is essentially an extensive reworking of his own play published a decade earlier, [...]

Pygmalion (Джордж Бернард Шоу)

Pygmalion is a play by George Bernard Shaw, named after a Greek mythological figure. Pygmalion was the most broadly appealing of all Shaw’s plays. In ancient Greek mythology, Pygmalion fell in love with one of his sculptures, which then came to life. The general idea of that myth was a popular subject for Victorian era British playwrights, [...]


P. T. Barnum, the great American showman of the 19th century, wrote this short book about making and keeping money. He certainly had life experiences that qualify him for the subject–he started a small newspaper in his twenties, bought and transformed a museum into a showplace for curiosities, built a circus empire that gave performances in [...]

Весь Марк Аврелий (Марк Аврелий Антонин)

В этот сборник вошли все дошедшие до наших дней произведения, вышедшие из-под пера Марка Аврелия Антонина. Это хрестоматийные «Наедине с собой. Размышления» три произнесенные им речи, [...]
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