Oxford Applied Linguistics

Christopher Brumfit – Individual Freedom in Language Teaching

The book draws upon linguistic, psychological, philosophical, and sociolinguistic principles and uses practical examples from second, foreign, and mother tongue teaching. It attempts to integrate theoretical and empirical work with the practical needs of institutions and of teachers without losing sight of learners’ needs for free personal [...]

Alison Wray – Formulaic Language

Presents a framework for examining the existence and function of formulaic language and tests it extensively against language data within a wide variety of language samples. Formulaic language is a fast-growing area of applied linguistic research, and the author is a key figure in this [...]

H. Widdowson – Teaching Language as Communication

This book develops a rational approach to the teaching of language as communication, based on a careful consideration of the nature of language and of the language user’s activities. It will stimulate all language teachers to investigate the ideas that inform their own [...]

Adrian Holliday – The Struggle to Teach English as an International Language

This book is about the worlds and conflicts of TESOL teachers and researchers whose professional lives are both enriched and problematized by the cultural and political interfaces created by working with an international language. Central to this discussion is the balance of power in classroom and curriculum settings, the relationship between [...]