Edgars Auziņš – Get married in 100 days

Пожалуйста оцените книгу: УжасноПлохоНормальноХорошоОтлично
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Книга из раздела: Короткие любовные романы, Современные любовные романы, Эротическая литература, Книги, Литерат.

О книге
«Edgars Auziņš – Get married in 100 days»

Nadya has a serious problem: she needs to find a groom, get married and give birth to a child as soon as possible, otherwise in the future family happiness will be in big question. The matter is complicated by the fact that Nadya is an Orthodox Christian, and she needs one husband for the rest of her life. How should a modest and pious girl act in such circumstances? Relatives, friends and dating sites are rushing to help. But happiness, as usual, wanders somewhere nearby, at arm’s length…

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