John Wiley & Sons Limited

Jutta Schmidt, John W. Foreman – Smart Data statt Big Data

Welche Produkte kann ich meinen Kunden aufgrund ihrer vorherigen Käufe noch anbieten? Wie kann ich meine Absätze vorhersagen oder Kosten optimieren? Wie kann ich Kundenmails automatisch analysieren? Wenn Sie sich diese oder ähnliche Fragen stellen, finden Sie in diesem Buch die passenden Antworten. Es richtet sich an alle, die eine gewisse [...]

Wermke Matthias – Deutsche Grammatik für Dummies

Ihr Wegweiser durch den Dschungel der deutschen Grammatik, Mögen Sie Grammatik? Nein? Grämen Sie sich nicht. Sie sind nicht allein. Irgendwann wurden wir alle mit der Grammatik des Deutschen geplagt. Wir mussten Wörter rauf- und runterdeklinieren, absonderliche Verbformen bilden, Schachtelsätze in ihre Einzelteile zerlegen und nach [...]

Jack Skeen, Aaron Hill, Greg Miller – The Circle Blueprint

A roadmap to fulfillment, with practical tools for the journey, The Circle Blueprint is your personal guide to fulfillment. Are you thriving or just surviving? Are you energized, balanced, and happy? This book helps you dig to the root of the problem, and gives you a roadmap for getting your life on a more positive trajectory. You’ll begin with [...]

Julie Adair King – Canon EOS 77D For Dummies

Get pro results from your 77D! The Canon EOS 77D puts features from higher-end cameras into a model designed for amateur photographers—and that’s good news for you! Even better, Canon EOS 77D For Dummies makes it easier than ever to start producing pro-level photos. You’ll start by getting a grasp on the mysterious terms that [...]

Mike Brooks – Power Phone Scripts

Start closing sales like top producers! Have you ever found yourself at a loss for what to say when the gatekeeper asks you what your call is about? Have your palms ever sweated when the decision maker shuts you down with: “I wouldn’t be interested”? Has your heart taken a fast dive into your stomach when, at the start of your presentation, [...]

Larry Winget – What's Wrong with Damn Near Everything!

The Pitbull of Personal Development® Takes on Damn Near Everything! Larry Winget does not mince words, and in this latest addition to his straight-talking brand, one of the most iconic leaders of the personal development industry puts down in black and white, What’s Wrong with Damn Near Everything! If you think the world is a mess, you [...]

Jim Sterne – Artificial Intelligence for Marketing

A straightforward, non-technical guide to the next major marketing tool, Artificial Intelligence for Marketing presents a tightly-focused introduction to machine learning, written specifically for marketing professionals. This book will not teach you to be a data scientist—but it does explain how Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning will [...]

Shane Green – Culture Hacker

HACK YOUR WORKPLACE CULTURE FOR GREATER PROFITS AND PRODUCTIVITY, “”I LOVE THIS BOOK!””, —CHESTER ELTON, New York Times bestselling author of All In and What Motivates Me, “”When companies focus on culture, the positive effects ripple outward, benefiting not just employees but customers and profits. Read this [...]
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