Oxford University Press

Paul Davies, David Pearse – Success in English Teaching

Clear, easy to follow, and free of jargon – does not assume the reader is a native speaker of English. Covers all the major topics relevant for trainee teachers with the right level of detail. Strong focus on classroom teaching, applying theoretical principles to hands-on teaching practice. Can be used if you have little or no formal training as [...]

Gordon Lewis – The Internet and Young Learners

This book combines Internet resources with structured classroom activities to maximize learning potential. The activities are firmly anchored in children’s experiences and include purposeful tasks with a clear language [...]

Adrian Holliday – The Struggle to Teach English as an International Language

This book is about the worlds and conflicts of TESOL teachers and researchers whose professional lives are both enriched and problematized by the cultural and political interfaces created by working with an international language. Central to this discussion is the balance of power in classroom and curriculum settings, the relationship between [...]

Richard Day – Bringing extensive reading into the classroom

Extensive reading brings substantial benefits to language learning. Find out about the importance of extensive free reading, how to develop extensive reading materials, choosing the right graded readers for your class, exploiting class readers, developing class libraries, and setting up and running reading [...]
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