Иностранные языки

Лилиана Яримова — Неделя с английским

Данное пособие по английскому языку для тех, кто предпочитает системный подход в обучении. На примере одной недели в формате ежедневника дается материал для запоминания. Процесс обучения в [...]

Юлия Портнягина — Русский язык для билингвов 8–10 лет. Сборник текстов. Списать и пересказать

Настоящее пособие предназначено для детей 8-10 лет, живущих за пределами России и изучающих русский язык с родителями или с преподавателем. Автор подобрал тексты лексически доступные. Эти [...]

Елена Архангельская — Тайные беседы с волшебной кошкой, или История княжества Монако / CONVERSATIONS SECRÈTES AVEC UNE CHATTE MAGIQUE ou l’histoire de la Principauté de Monaco

Увлекательный и познавательный рассказ об истории княжества Монако и отношений его с Россией в легкодоступной форме для детей и их родителей. Récit distrayant et didactique sur l’histoire des relations Моnacо et de la [...]

Reg Wright — Ear-rings from Frankfurt

A level 2 Oxford Bookworms Library graded readers. Written for Learners of English by Reg Wright. Richard Walton is in trouble again. He has lost his job, and he has borrowed money from his sister, Jennifer – again. And now he has disappeared. Jennifer is looking for him, and so are the police. They both have some questions that they want to ask [...]

Tim Vicary — Police T.V.

A Starter level Oxford Bookworms Library graded reader. Written for Learners of English by Tim Vicary. ‘Every day someone steals money from people near the shops. We must stop this,’ says Dan, a police officer. The police use TV cameras but it is not easy because there are so many suspects – who is the [...]

Saki — Tooth and Claw – Short Stories

A level 3 Oxford Bookworms Library graded readers. Retold for Learners of English by Rosemary Border. Conradin is ten years old. He lives alone with his aunt. He has two big secrets. The first is that he hates his aunt. The second is that he keeps a small, wild animal in the garden shed. The animal has sharp, white teeth, and it loves fresh blood. [...]

Lester Vaughan — The White Stones

A Starter level Oxford Bookworms Library graded reader. Written for Learners of English by Lester Vaughan. ‘The people on this island don’t like archaeologists,’ the woman on the ferry says. You only want to study the 4,500 year-old Irish megalithic stones but very soon strange things begin to happen to you. Can you solve the [...]

Peter Hawkins, M. James — The Unquiet Grave – Short Stories

A level 4 Oxford Bookworms Library graded reader. Retold for Learners of English by Peter Hawkins. If you find a locked room in a lonely inn, don’t try to open it, even on a bright sunny day. If you find a strange whistle hidden among the stones of an old church, don’t blow it. If a mysterious man gives you a piece of paper with [...]

О. Генри — One Thousand Dollars and Other Plays

A level 2 Oxford Bookworms Library graded reader. Retold for Learners of English by John Escott. Money or love? Which is more important in life? Can money buy anything? Can it help a young man to marry the girl he loves? Does money really make people happy, or does it just cause problems? These four plays about money, love, and life are adapted [...]
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