Наргиза Сулейманова, Аюбхон Аюпов, Жавохирхон Насруллаев, Сохибжон Ахроров и др. — English-Russian-Uzbek pictorial dictionary

УжасноПлохоНормальноХорошоОтлично - средняя оценка: 4,00 из 5 (пожалуйста оцените книгу)
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Книга из раздела: Иностранные языки, Книги

О книге
«Наргиза Сулейманова, Аюбхон Аюпов, Жавохирхон Насруллаев, Сохибжон Ахроров и др. — English-Russian-Uzbek pictorial dictionary»

This brief thematic English-Russian-Uzbek dictionary with illustrations affects a wide range of words in pictures and attached to it the words in three languages with transcription with different themes. The dictionary has a practical focus: it includes the vocabulary necessary for practicing students, undergraduates and translators of different fields and spheres. The body includes a pictorial dictionary as a language traditionally displayed in thematic English-Russian-Uzbek dictionary, as well as numerous well-established terminology combinations.

The pictorial dictionary will be useful to specialists in the fields of philology, medicine and culture anyone who learns the language.

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