Николай Лакутин – I will Bring out bedbugs, cockroaches, husband!!! Play for 4 people

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Книга из раздела: Драматургия, Зарубежная драматургия, Кинематограф, театр, Книги, Литерат.

О книге
«Николай Лакутин – I will Bring out bedbugs, cockroaches, husband!!! Play for 4 people»

When the husband gets so that there are no more forces, you decide on a brave step-technically and competently to expel him. But how to do it so that it does not remain the last? It is for such cases that there is a service for the withdrawal of husbands. About how this problem will be solved and what it will lead to, read in the dramatic life Comedy ” I will Bring out bedbugs, cockroaches, husband!!!”.

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