European Literature

Tatiana Bazhan – The Weight of Ages: Modern Sonnets

This collection of sonnets is not just a poetic exercise, but a daring dialogue across the centuries with Shakespeare himself. Centuries later, the author’s voice sounds like an echo of Shakespeare’s thoughts, but an echo refracted through the prism of modern problems. Here, sonnets become a platform for a philosophical battle, where questions [...]

Kh Beyer – Die Hubertusalm

Nachwort, In der Erzählung habe ich Ihnen den erfolgreichen Ausgang der Saisonarbeit beschrieben. Die Opfer überwiegen aber. Sowohl an gescheiterten Versuchen mit den entsprechenden sozialen Auswirkungen. Als auch an Unfällen mit tödlichem Ausgang. Die Auswanderung führt in den Ländern der Arbeiter zu einem Mangel an Fachpersonal. In den [...]

Igor Volkov – Neanderthal theory of Indoeuropeans

The concept of Indoeuropeans emerged in the 16 century when European missionaries in Goa noticed that they understand some words of the local population. Many indirect facts indicate repeated migrations along the line connecting Spain and Sri Lanka. Officially, Indoeuropean languages are a separate family, just one of many, but is it true? Is [...]