Tatyana Martin – Recommendations for self-healing. Experience of the center for self-healing in the city of Houston, USA

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«Tatyana Martin – Recommendations for self-healing. Experience of the center for self-healing in the city of Houston, USA»

Tatyana Martin has her own consulting company based on alternative methods of restoring health. Alternative healing methods consider the body’s peculiarity to self-repair, using its potentialities when receiving the necessary corrective program. Based on this methodology, a Human Rehabilitation Center was created, which uses energy-information technology and equipment to adjust the program that controls biochemical processes in the human body. Our body is a unique system endowed with the ability to heal itself. So, trust and do not interfere with your body to find and eliminate the ailment’s cause! The brochure will be useful for people interested in alternative healing methods who want to know what our body is and how it still works. Администрация сайта Литрес не несет ответственности за представленную информацию. Могут иметься медицинские противопоказания, необходима консультация специалиста.

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