Каковы психологические истоки наших поступков, страхов и ошибок? Это не просто увлекательный психологический триллер. Это глубокая и захватывающая история с неожиданными поворотами сюжета
Вашему вниманию предлагается сборник сказок русских писателей. Эти сказки не оставят равнодушными ни детей, ни взрослых. А. Горький. Воробьишко, В. Гаршин. Лягушка-путешественница, В. Даль.
Русские народные сказки, Гуси лебеди, Иван солдат, Каша с топора, Мальчик с пальчик, Морозко, Нужда, Правда и кривда, Снегурочка, Сума дай
Русские народные сказки, Волк и коза, Ивашка и ведьма, Коза лупленная, Лиса и журавель, Лисичка сестричка и волк, Мужик медведь и лиса, Петушок – золотой гребешок, Репка, Сестрица Аленушка и
Сказка о царе Берендее, о сыне его Иване-царевиче, о хитростях Кощея Бессмертного и о премудрости Марьи-царевны, Кощеевой дочери, Основные моменты сюжета «Сказки о царе Берендее» почерпнуты
“Viy”, also translated as «The Viy» is a horror novella by Russian writer Nikolai Gogol, first published in the first volume of his collection of tales entitled Mirgorod (1835). The title is also the name of the demonic entity central to the plot. Every summer, there is usually a large procession of all the students moving around the
“Gogol, Nikolai Vassilievitch. Born in the government of Pultowa, March 31 1809, died at Moscow, March 4 1852. A Russian novelist and dramatist. He was educated in a public gymnasium at Pultowa, and subsequently in the lyceum, then newly established, at Niejinsk. In 1831, Gogol brought out the first volume of his Ukrainian stories,
Memoirs of a Madman or Diary of a Madman is a farcical short story by Nikolai Gogol. Along with The Overcoat and The Nose, Diary of a Madman is considered to be one of Gogol’s greatest short stories. The tale centers on the life of a minor civil servant during the repressive era of Nicholas I. Following the format of a diary, the story shows the
“The Nose” is a satirical short story by Nikolai Gogol written during his time living in St. Petersburg. During this time, Gogol’s works were primarily focused on surrealism and the grotesque, with a romantic twist. Written between 1835 and 1836, «The Nose» tells the story of a St. Petersburg official whose nose leaves his face
“Christmas Eve” (Russian: Ночь пе́ред Рождество́м, Noch pered Rozhdestvom, which literally translates as «The Night Before Christmas») is the first story in the second volume of the collection Evenings on a Farm Near Dikanka by Nikolai Gogol. The story opens with a description of the winter scenery of Dikanka,