Teresa Southwick – It Takes Three

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Книга из раздела: Современные любовные романы, Книги, Литерат., Современная зарубежная литература

О книге
«Teresa Southwick – It Takes Three»

Scott Matthews had been a single dad since he was just a kid himself. Now, with an empty nest, the last thing he wanted was a new relationship to tie him down. But with one sassy smile from the sexy caterer in his kitchen, he was tempted to savor every moment with her.After her husband’s death, mom to-be Thea Bell had given up on passion–until she met Scott. But her craving for the hunky contractor was one she had to resist, for her baby’s sake. Because she wouldn’t let a carefree bachelor disrupt her dreams of a happy home–even if he was the family man she’d always wanted.

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